Had a gig over the weekend at yet another Fall Festival. It felt good to start drawing again after a stressful, yet very pleasing move this weekend to a new house in a new town. No, not Newtown... Springfield. Finally I have my own studio space/office which will serve as my headquarters. Caricatures, screenprinting, woodblock printing, painting, and crafts. My desk will be adorned with my Dwight Schrute bobblehead. Pics will be shown someday. But for now here are some from this weekend.

And I found this picture from Emily Anthony's blog of me cutting wood at the convention. So much carving, went right through my jeans.

I have the woodblock print in this photo, "Mick Cusimano" showing in Media, PA at a coffee shop called the Coffee Club. Stop by and see it why don't you. Coffee, caricatures, printmaking, what more could you ever want!?!
I wood have to say this is cutting edge.<3 Your Fearless Periodical Blogger
-Colin Harris