Portrait of tired, scruffy caricature artist.
Just a quick sketch I did right before I went to sleep a night ago. Hooray for the paint can tool! It's been a long, busy week, and it continues today. I drew at the Phillies game last night and I will be there again this afternoon. I have been taking photos of some of the drawings, so I will share those hopefully this evening.
I also starting playing on a softball team, our season starts this Monday. There will be 20 games over about 3 months. I got a new glove, so I am ready.
I started designing a new website for myself as well. I can't quite figure out how to update my old one, and the information and photos are getting outdated. There will be a whole bunch of new photos in the gallery of caricature, illustration, and probably even some of my fine art. Also, the much anticipated "Of Me" gallery will launch. Very excited for this. Martha and I are working on a photo shoot for the title pages. So look out!