Monday, October 26, 2009

One by Me, and One of Me

Just a quick pick from another busy weekend of drawing.

My friend Matthew Wright drew this amazing caricature of me whilst in the midst of a break photographing a wedding. I was there drawing as well. Thank you Matt, this is definitely in my top ten.

Here is Matthew eating. Salad eating FAIL!

He is way better at taking pictures than eating from forks. Check out his website...
Fig Tree Photography

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Modern Virtue

When I'm not drawing, I do a little part-time hat modeling for Modern Virtue. ;)
My wife Martha makes them and they are fabulous. Buy some from her online store for yourself, or as gifts for the holidays!

Just a quick caricature from a wedding over the weekend. Hopefully a few more pics to come.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Corporate Caricatures

Last night I drew at a company dinner party for a bunch of bankers. There were people there from all around the world. It made for a very diverse bunch of faces. I had a great time at this party, everyone got really into poking fun at one another. All in good spirits of course. I only snapped a couple photos with my phone due to low lighting.

Better yet, I stayed at the pub where the event was located after hours to watch the Phillies beat the Dodgers in Game 1.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Color Caricature

Just a quick marker drawing of a guy I work with.

Easy E!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Live Caricatures in Philadelphia

New Magnet Design! Coming soon to a fridge near you!
"Take a look at what I'm drawin' here people."

Rehearsal dinner drawings. Congrats Amanda and Matt!
Thanks Frank and Linda!

"Draw me Ishmael."

Live caricature pre-game ritual. Fueled up to draw at a Fall festival at UPenn. These students were awesome!

I say it every time that I going to post more often. This is another one of those times. "I am going to post more often!"
A bunch of fun events coming up, keep on the lookout!

"Take a look at what I'm wearin" here people."