So today I turn 24 years old! I got a new set of Prismacolor markers today and I am excited to try them out in some of my sketches. I will try and post some when I get good ones. I am also waiting the arrival of a new french easel for my live work. Looks like next weekend I will drawing for a night at the Phillies game. I met with
Bruce Blitz to talk about his operation he runs there. Its going to be a great opportunity mixing my favorite sports team with my favorite hobby. If I would have thought when I was little that I would be 24 years old and drawing funny cartoons at a Phillies game, I probably would have jumped up and down for a few hours smiling. I used to watch the Blitz tv show as a kid, so it is really awesome to work with him now.
I have been trying to make some new friends via Blogspot. So if you are anyone reading this that I don't know, please send a comment or email. There are some amazing caricature artists out there, and I know we all have a lot to learn from one another. If you have not seen the
Joe Bluhm Digital Podcasts, you are missing out. I am still trying to learn the art of digital painting and I don't think there is anything better than this to teach and inspire the art.
Here is a drawing I did this weekend of a married couple who hired me to draw at their reception. They were great people and they had a great dog (a pug in a tutu). Come to think of it now I am really dissapointed that I didn't draw the tutu.